Micah P. Dombrowski / Nov 11 2018
Visbrain Setup
Visbrain Setup
1. Setup
OpenGL driver and git, plus some support libraries.
apt-get -qq update apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev git \ libxi6 libnss3 libxtst6 libnspr4 \ libxrender1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxrandr2 libasound2 apt-get clean rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Clear package list so it isn't stale
Required, optional, and other deps for packages or examples. nibabel
and mne
require conda-forge. Vispy requires a pre-2.2 version of matplotlib.
conda install -c anaconda -c conda-forge \ vispy pyqt pyopengl matplotlib'<2.2' \ xlrd pillow nibabel mne \ joblib openpyxl conda clean -tipsy
Two remaining optionals and visbrain itself.
pip install \ tensorpac \ git+https://github.com/hbldh/lspopt.git#egg=lspopt \ visbrain
2. Test
From the Visbrain Examples. Final line changed, to use screenshot()
for output.
import numpy as np from visbrain.objects import RoiObj, ColorbarObj, SceneObj, SourceObj, BrainObj from visbrain.io import download_file, path_to_visbrain_data, read_nifti ############################################################################### # Download data ############################################################################### # In order to work, this example need to download some data i.e coordinates of # intracranial sources and a parcellates atlas (MIST) to illustrate how to # define your own RoiObj # Get the path to the ~/visbrain_data/example_data folder vb_path = path_to_visbrain_data(folder='example_data') # Download (x, y, z) coordinates of intracranial sources mat = np.load(download_file('xyz_sample.npz', astype='example_data')) xyz, subjects = mat['xyz'], mat['subjects'] data = np.random.uniform(low=-1., high=1., size=(xyz.shape[0],)) # Download the MIST parcellates download_file('MIST_ROI.zip', unzip=True, astype='example_data') ############################################################################### # Scene creation ############################################################################### # First, we need to create the scene that will host objects # Scene creation with a dark background and a custom size sc = SceneObj(size=(1400, 1000)) # In this example, we also illustrate the use of the colorbar object. Hence, we # centralize colorbar properties inside a dictionary CBAR_STATE = dict(cbtxtsz=12, txtsz=10., width=.1, cbtxtsh=3., rect=(-.3, -2., 1., 4.)) ############################################################################### # Find the index of a region of interest ############################################################################### # ROIs are defined with two variables : 1) a volume which contains integers # and 2) a vector of labels which link every integer inside the volume with a # label (for example, with the brodmann atlas, the index 4 refers to the label # brodmann 4). Here, we illustrate how to find the index of a region of # interest ##################################### # **Method 1 :** export all ROI labels and indices in an excel file # # This first method load a ROI atlas then, we use the # :class:`visbrain.objects.RoiObj.get_labels` method to save every related ROI # informations in an excel file. This first method implies that you manually # inspect in this file the index of the ROI that you're looking for. roi_to_find1 = RoiObj('brodmann') # Use Brodmann areas ref_brod = roi_to_find1.get_labels(vb_path) # Save Brodmann roi_to_find1('aal') # Switch to AAL ref_aal = roi_to_find1.get_labels(vb_path) # Save AAL roi_to_find1('talairach') # Switch to Talairach ref_tal = roi_to_find1.get_labels(vb_path) # Save Talairach ##################################### # **Method 2 :** explicitly search where is the ROI that you're looking for # # Here, we use the :class:`visbrain.objects.RoiObj.where_is` method of the ROI # object to explicitly search string patterns # Method 2 : use the `where_is` method roi_to_find1('brodmann') # Switch to Brodmann idx_ba6 = roi_to_find1.where_is('BA6') # Find only BA6 print(ref_brod.loc[idx_ba6]) roi_to_find1('aal') # Switch to AAL idx_sma = roi_to_find1.where_is('Supp Motor Area') ############################################################################### # Extract the mesh of an ROI ############################################################################### # Once you have the index of the ROI that you want to plot, use the # :class:`visbrain.objects.RoiObj.select_roi` method to extract the mesh (i.e # vertices and faces) of the ROI. Here, we illustrate this question with the # brodmann 6 ROI # Load the brodmann 6 atlas, get the index of BA6 and extract the mesh roi_brod = RoiObj('brodmann') idx_ba6 = roi_brod.where_is('BA6') roi_brod.select_roi(select=idx_ba6) # Define a brain object and add this brain and ROI objects to the scene b_obj = BrainObj('B1') sc.add_to_subplot(b_obj, row=0, col=0, use_this_cam=True, title='Brodmann area 6 mesh') sc.add_to_subplot(roi_brod, row=0, col=0) ############################################################################### # Set a unique color per ROI mesh ############################################################################### # If you need, you can set a unique color per plotted ROI mesh. Here, we plot # the left and right insula and thalamus and set a unique color to each # Load the AAL atlas roi_aal = RoiObj('aal') # Select indicies 29, 30, 77 and 78 (respectively insula left, right and # thalamus left and right) roi_aal.select_roi(select=[29, 30, 77, 78], unique_color=True, smooth=11) # Add the ROI to the scene sc.add_to_subplot(roi_aal, row=0, col=1, rotate='top', zoom=.4, title='Select and plot multiple ROI with unique colors') ############################################################################### # Project source's data onto the surface of ROI mesh ############################################################################### # Once you've extract the mesh of the ROI, you can explicitly specify to the # :class:`visbrain.object.SourceObj.project_sources` to project the activity # onto the surface of the ROI. Here, we extract the mesh of the default mode # network (DMN) and project source's activity on it # Define the roi object using the MIST at resolution 7 roi_dmn = RoiObj('mist_7') roi_dmn.get_labels(save_to_path=vb_path) # save the labels dmn_idx = roi_dmn.where_is('Default mode network') roi_dmn.select_roi(select=dmn_idx) # Define the source object and project source's data on the DMN s_dmn = SourceObj('SecondSources', xyz, data=data) s_dmn.project_sources(roi_dmn, cmap='plasma', clim=(-1., 1.), vmin=-.5, vmax=.7, under='gray', over='red') # Get the colorbar of the projection cb_dmn = ColorbarObj(s_dmn, cblabel='Source activity', **CBAR_STATE) # Add those objects to the scene sc.add_to_subplot(roi_dmn, row=0, col=2, rotate='top', zoom=.4, title="Project source's activity onto the DMN") sc.add_to_subplot(cb_dmn, row=0, col=3, width_max=200) ############################################################################### # Get anatomical informations of sources ############################################################################### # If you defined sources (like intracranial recording sites, MEG source # reconstruction...) you can use the SourceObj to defined those sources and # then, the RoiObj to identify where are those sources located using the ROI # volume. Here, we use the MIST at the `ROI` resolution to identify where are # located those sources # Define the MIST object at the ROI level roi_mist = RoiObj('mist_ROI') # roi_mist.get_labels(save_to_path=vb_path) # save the labels # Define the source object and analyse those sources using the MIST s_obj = SourceObj('anat', xyz, data=data) analysis = s_obj.analyse_sources(roi_mist) # print(analysis) # anatomical informations are included in a dataframe # Color those sources according to the anatomical informations s_obj.color_sources(analysis=analysis, color_by='name_ROI') # Add the source object to the scene sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj, row=1, col=0, rotate='top', zoom=.6, title='Get anatomical informations of sources') ############################################################################### # .. note:: # In the example above, we analyse sources using only one ROI object. But # you can also combine anatomical informations that come from several # ROI. For example, if you want to analyse your sources using brodmann # areas, AAL and MIST at level 7 : # # brod_roi = RoiObj('brodmann') # # brod_aal = RoiObj('aal') # # brod_mist = RoiObj('mist_7') # # s_obj.analyse_sources([brod_roi, brod_aal, brod_mist]) ############################################################################### # Select sources that are inside an ROI ############################################################################### # Here, we illustrate how to only select sources that are inside the # somatomotor network. # Define the roi MIST object at level 7 somato_str = 'Somatomotor network' roi_somato = RoiObj('mist_7') idx_somato = roi_somato.where_is(somato_str) roi_somato.select_roi(idx_somato, translucent=True) # Define the source object and analyse anatomical informations s_somato = SourceObj('somato', xyz, data=data) analysis = s_somato.analyse_sources(roi_somato, keep_only=somato_str) s_somato.color_sources(data=data, cmap='bwr') # Add those objects to the scene sc.add_to_subplot(roi_somato, row=1, col=1, use_this_cam=True, rotate='top', title='Display only sources inside the\nsomatomotor network', zoom=.6) sc.add_to_subplot(s_somato, row=1, col=1) ############################################################################### # Define and use your own region of interest ############################################################################### # Visbrain comes with several ROI volumes, but you can define your own ROI # object. To do this, you need a volume (i.e an array with three dimensions) # and an array of labels. Here, for the sake of illustration, we explain how # to rebuild the MIST at the ROI resolution. # Download the MIST_ROI.zip archive. See the README inside the archive nifti_file = path_to_visbrain_data(file='MIST_ROI.nii.gz', folder='example_data') csv_file = path_to_visbrain_data(file='MIST_ROI.csv', folder='example_data') # Read the .csv file : arr = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=';', dtype=str) # Get column names, labels and index : column_names = arr[0, :] arr = np.delete(arr, 0, 0) n_roi = arr.shape[0] roi_index = arr[:, 0].astype(int) roi_labels = arr[:, [1, 2]].astype(object) # Build the struct array : label = np.zeros(n_roi, dtype=[('label', object), ('name', object)]) label['label'] = roi_labels[:, 0] label['name'] = roi_labels[:, 1] # Get the volume and the hdr transformation : vol, _, hdr = read_nifti(nifti_file, hdr_as_array=True) # Define the ROI object and save it : roi_custom = RoiObj('custom_roi', vol=vol, labels=label, index=roi_index, hdr=hdr) # Find thalamus entries : idx_thalamus = roi_custom.where_is('THALAMUS') colors = {55: 'slateblue', 56: 'olive', 63: 'darkred', 64: '#ab4642'} roi_custom.select_roi(idx_thalamus, roi_to_color=colors) sc.add_to_subplot(roi_custom, row=1, col=2, zoom=.5, title='Plot dorsal and ventral thalamus with fixed colors') ############################################################################### # .. note:: # Once your RoiObj is defined, you can save it using # :class:`visbrain.objects.RoiObj.save`. Once the object is saved, you can # reload it using the name you've used (here we've used the `custom_roi` # name which means that you can reload it later using RoiObj('custom_roi')) # Finally, display the scene #sc.preview() sc.screenshot("/results/test.png")