Martin Kavalar / Jun 20 2019
Remix of Clojure by
Clojure + Cljfx
Remix this to get started with Clojure and Cljfx. See the section below for how this sets up JDK 11. This notebook is using a custom environment (see Setup below) as well as a GPU, so it takes about two minutes to boot.
(require [cljfx.api :as fx])
Here's hello world.
(fx/on-fx-thread (fx/create-component {:fx/type :stage :showing true :title "Cljfx example" :width 300 :height 100 :scene {:fx/type :scene :root {:fx/type :v-box :alignment :center :children [{:fx/type :label :text "Hello world"}]}}}))
Environment Setup
Because Cljfx requires Java11+ and our default Clojure environment is von JDK 8, we need to import the environment from docker hub.

Download as Docker image from:
This image was imported from: clojure:openjdk-11-tools-deps
Then we also need to install libopenjfx-jni
. Note that these cells are locked to avoid accidental changes.
apt-get install -qq libopenjfx-jni
This deps.edn
is being mounted to /root/.clojure/deps.edn
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.0"} cljfx {:mvn/version "1.3.3"}}}
Extensible Data Notation
Let's invoke clj
to download the libraries upfront.
clj -Spath