Julia Environments / Aug 20 2019
Plots Environment
]up; add GR Plots StatsPlots DataFrames StatsPlots CSV PlotUtils GeometryTypes Tables PackageCompiler#sd-notomls CategoricalArrays IteratorInterfaceExtensions PooledArrays WeakRefStrings
using PackageCompiler # use Plots/test/runtests.jl for snooping and # replace the old sysimg with the new one syso, sysold = PackageCompiler.compile_incremental( :Plots, :DataFrames, :CSV, :StatsPlots, install = true )
("/root/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/HF3ur/sysimg/sys.so", "/usr/local/julia/lib/julia/sys.so")
cp(syso, sysold, force = true) read(syso) == read(sysold)
using Plots scatter(rand(10))