Julia Environments / Aug 20 2019
CairoMakie Environment
Install all dependencies
apt-get update apt-get install libcairo2 cmake build-essential
pkg"up; add PackageCompiler#sd-notomls StatsMakie MakieGallery CairoMakie#master AbstractPlotting#master MakieThemes ImageShow FreqTables Distributions KernelDensity"
Run PackageCompiler:
using PackageCompiler PackageCompiler.blacklist!(:HTTPClient, :WinRPM) syso, sysold = PackageCompiler.compile_incremental(:CairoMakie, :StatsMakie, install = true);
Replace the julia system image with our static image:
# Replace the system image cp(syso, sysold, force = true) read(syso) == read(sysold)
Now one just needs to select `export environment` & save in the runner menu:

After publishing the article, everyone will be able to use the image, or download the docker image with the docker URL!
Now we can create a new runner with the newly created image, to test if our image actually works:
using AbstractPlotting, CairoMakie scatter(rand(4))