Clojure Environment
This notebook describes and creates the default Clojure environment in Nextjournal. Check out the showcase if you want to see what the environment contains. To see how it’s built, see setup.
If you don't specify a version, Clojure version "1.10.1" is used. However, it's easy to run Clojure version "1.9.0" by including it as a dependency in the runtime's deps.edn
Package Management
At Boot via deps.edn
Working with deps.edn
is as easy as creating a Code Listing and writing a typical edn configuration map with a top-level key for :deps
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
compliment {:mvn/version "0.3.9"}}}
After mounting the Code Listing (here called deps.edn) and restarting the runtime, the dependencies will be available.
For details on how to mount deps.edn
and restart a runtime, see Clojure Dependencies.
At Runtime via tools.deps/add-lib
add-lib, part of tools.deps.alpha
, dynamically adds libraries to a running REPL session.
The following deps.edn
configuration map contains two of the three possible coordinate types: Maven (clojure
) and git (tools.deps.alpha
); local is the unused third.
{ org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}
org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {
:git/url ""
:sha "d0b33e0d346736aa985c150145b332f97b92135e"}}}
Note the use of Clojure 1.9 in this example rather than the Nextjournal default of 1.10.
Load tools.deps.alpha
and then use add-lib
to add core.async
on the fly. Note core.async
was not included in deps.edn
(add-lib org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.4.490"})
Require core.async
and test.
(require [clojure.core.async :as async])
(async/timeout 100)
Basic: Using Data From Clojure
Generate some random data for plotly and plot it by selecting the plotly viewer via the :nextjournal/viewer
metadata attribute.
(defn get-coordinates [y]
{:x (0 10 20 30 40)
:y (take 5 (repeatedly (rand-int y)))
:type "scatter"
:text ["one" "two" "three"]})
{:nextjournal/viewer :plotly}
{:data [(conj (get-coordinates 35) {:name "The Federation"})
(conj (get-coordinates 35) {:name "The Empire"})]
:layout {:autosize false :width 600 :height 500
:xaxis1 {:title "year"}
:yaxis1 {:title "revenue"}}}
ClojureScript support is currently experimental. A list of features and caveats is available in the ClojureScript template.
Advanced: Using Data From Datomic
Datomic queries return data that is simple to work with in Clojure and ClojureScript. This section is a brief demonstration.
The following Clojure runtimes transclude a complete Datomic environment and dataset. For a deeper understanding of how to setup Datomic Free with Nextjournal, please read this Datomic article.
Start the transactor.
/usr/bin/nohup /datomic-free/bin/transactor /datomic-free/config/samples/ &> /datomic-free.log & sleep 1
tail /datomic-free.log
Load a subset of the MusicBrainz dataset. In this case, music-related information from 1968 to 1973.
/datomic-free/bin/datomic restore-db file:/mbrainz-1968-1973 datomic:free://localhost:4334/mbrainz-1968-1973
Require Datomic and get a value of the database from the connection, defined by (d/connect uri)
. The d/db
API returns the latest db value from the specified connection.
(require [datomic.api :as d])
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/mbrainz-1968-1973")
(def conn (d/connect uri))
(def db (d/db conn))
The query, written in Datalog. It is looking for every John Lennon album with a release date from 1968 to 1973.
(def rules
[;; Given ?t bound to track entity-ids, binds ?r to the corresponding
;; set of album release entity-ids
[(track-release ?t ?r)
[?m :medium/tracks ?t]
[?r :release/media ?m]]])
(def albums-year
(into [] (d/q [:find ?album ?year
:in $ % ?artist-name
[?a :artist/name ?artist-name]
[?t :track/artists ?a]
[?t :track/name ?title]
(track-release ?t ?r)
[?r :release/name ?album]
[?r :release/year ?year]]
db rules "John Lennon")))
First, collect albums by year. This will make them easy to count and display later.
(defn add-album-to-year [m year title]
(if (contains? m year)
(assoc m year (conj (year m) title))
(assoc m year [title])))
(defn albums-by-year [albums-year m]
(if-let [album (first albums-year)]
(let [[title year] album
sorted-albums (add-album-to-year m (keyword (str year)) title)]
(albums-by-year (rest albums-year) sorted-albums))
(albums-by-year albums-year {})
Second, provide the ploty with the :data
and :layout
information and plot it by setting the {:nextjournal/viewer :plotly}
(let [final-sort (albums-by-year albums-year {})]
{:nextjournal/viewer :plotly}
{:data [{:x (keys final-sort)
:y (map (count (second %)) (albums-by-year albums-year {}))
:type "bar"}]
:layout {:autosize false :width 600 :height 500
:type "bar"
:xaxis1 {:title "Year"}
:yaxis1 {:title "# of Albums"}}})
Build the default Clojure environment
Install Clojure
Now for the Clojure installation. Note that the stable Clojure version is set as an environment variable on the runtime. Also set UseG1GC Java option as workaround for a GraalVM serial garbage collector bug. Remove when 19.3.1 is released. —MPD, 2019.12.04
Install the one missing dependency, rlwrap
, as well as git
apt-get -qq update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
apt-get clean
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Next, download and run the Clojure installer.
wget --progress=bar:force -P /results \${CLOJURE_VERSION}.sh
Test clojure
from the command line.
clojure -e "(clojure-version)"
Add Some Tools and Dependencies
Install leiningen
cd /usr/local/bin
wget --progress=bar:force \
chmod +x lein
Install tools.deps.alpha
to get add-lib to dynamically add libraries, and compliment
for autocompletion.
clojure -Sdeps '{ :deps {
org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {:mvn/version "0.8.599"}
compliment/compliment {:mvn/version "0.3.9"}
}}' -e "(clojure-version)"
Install the Apache Arrow and Parquet format libraries.
clojure -Sdeps '{ :deps {
org.apache.arrow/arrow-format {:mvn/version "0.15.1"}
org.apache.arrow/arrow-plasma {:mvn/version "0.15.1"}
org.apache.parquet/parquet-format {:mvn/version "2.7.0"}
}}' -Stree
Pre-install Clojure 1.9.0.
clojure -Sdeps '{ :deps {
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}
}}' -Stree
Check size.
du -hsx /